We put a great deal of effort into information security to protect our customers' important personal information.
Introduction of Strict DOCOMO Standards
As a member of the NTT DOCOMO Group, we work to strengthen our information security measures with internal rules, training, and educational activities.
PMS Operation
We have never had a leak of customer information in the history of our company.
Through a strict and appropriate use of JIS Q 1500 standard (Personal information protection management systems), we have obtained Privacy Mark certification.
Security-Related Activities
Every month, an educational email about information security is sent to all employees, and posters are placed in the office to raise awareness within the company.
Employees in each position and at each level receive training on information security through e-learning classes.
At our call centers, where large amounts of information are handled, we have a thorough training program for the protection and management of personal information.
We conduct a self assessment on informatin security with Internal Audit team. We also conduct security check depending on the result of self assessment.
We work to promote the technological and systematic improvement of our information management system.