We encourage employees to maintain a good work-life balance, and focus our energy on creating workplaces that allow individual workers to make the most of their abilities and play active roles.
Diversity of Shop Japan
To make the vision of globally realizing a rich lifestyle a reality, we respect diversity as one of the values that our employees should have. We are promoting diversity by creating an environment where all employees can exhibit their best performance regardless of gender, nationality, or disabilities. Approximately 70% of employees are male and 30% are female, and 31% of managers are female.(as of April 2023)Diversity is natural for us, and has taken root in our corporate culture.
Importance on merits, not on hours
Introduction of flextime system, hybrid work
For the growth of a company, it is essential for each and every employee to produce maximum results.
We have introduced a flextime system in order to enable diverse employees to demonstrate high productivity individually. Employees can decide the time to come and go by themselves.
By eliminating time constraints in order to produce results, it has become possible to work from early in the morning and leave in the afternoon, and work from the afternoon. Various work styles have been realized.
We have also introduced telecommuting, allowing for hybrid work between home and office.
Employees can use saved time to upgrade their skills or spend time with their families to improve their work-life balance and lead a rich life. Consequently, they are able to exhibit continued performance. This virtuous circle contributes to the company's growth.
Support system for working mothers
We have strengthened our company's structure to allow all employees
to maintain a healthy work-life balance, including time off for periodic
pregnancy checkups, flexible work schedules, maternity leave, child-rearing
leave, etc. Instead of just changing our company rules, we have fostered a
corporate culture where employees are actively supported by the others around them.
Special leave available to all employees
We have introduced family support leave to encourage all employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Requiring no special application, this program is aimed at encouraging all our employees to spend time with their families. Employees with children take advantage of this leave system to attend school entrance ceremonies and sports festivals, or to take care of their children when they are sick.
Enhanced organizational capability through diversity
Oak Lawn Marketing Group has business locations in other countries such as the U.S.A. and China, as well as Japan. Our employees are from many different countries. Employees with diverse backgrounds respect different cultures, genders, and ages. This is a source of our powerful organizational capabilities, which cannot be obtained when employees act individually.
Efforts in connection with the LGBT community
As a company promoting diversity, similarly to heterosexual marriages, we provide employees with congratulatory and/or condolence money and marriage leave if applicable on the premise that public certifications or similar documents certify a relationship with his/her partner of the same gender under the local government's ordinances or others. We hope that every single employee can exhibit his/her abilities and work happily irrespective of gender or race.